Tuesday, November 4, 2014


THE DEATH OF PAINTING      4/11/2014

 From this topic,raise a series of questions. what is painting?.Do you think that the Renaissance in panting is dead, or it can or has never died?Do you think that the Renaissance had started before the first documented Renaissance and that the Renaissance may very well have started with the Cave artists? Do you ever think discovering the Cave Paintings was a Renaissance in itself? Do you ever think, what  Leonardo Da Vinci might have thought when he had discovered the Cave Paintings in France?Have you ever thought that the very 'nature' of 'art' is 'creating' and that 'creating' is and of itself declared something new...? It is documented,the Renaissance started 14th-16th Centuries and if you want to define  what is Renaissance,it is: Revival of art and leaning in Europe in 14th-16th Centuries...?What had happened before those documented Centuries?Again,do you think that the Renaissance in painting started with the Cave painters...?What if we go back to create paintings on Stones,would they say painting is 'alive' ?Painting has always been created on Stones,Clothe,human body,animals,wood and since the industrial age: glass,iron,cars,etc you name it, and all were influenced since the birth of  the walls of Cave painting. Note,I was told in 2012 by an artist that,Contemporary painting doesn't confined to Canvas,agree,painting goes beyond to, car doors,hoods etc but if that is the case,the Renaissance painting documentation is late then, would you think...?Contemporary painting was influence from the Renaissance or the Cave...? Were the Cave artists thinking?I have heard that some artists and Connoisseurs of art are saying that,'Painting is Dead'.Where, what or whom has caused the influence of painting?Is it that, 'Painting is Dead or Painting Technique'?Lets look on the act of painting,what is painting?What is Contemporary painting? Is it 'what' or 'how' an artist paint that matters?Lets take the imagination on a journey and create a dialogue on the declaration: "Painting is Dead".

John Powell  ©

